Monday, May 2, 2011

What is this blogging thing??!

Well.. lets see, where do I begin, I am new to this whole "blogging" thing of the 21st century so I figure I might as well jump on board and begin to talk out the side of my mouth as many people do these days in their undying quest for 15 minutes of fame. Lets see if this gets me anywhere, I highly doubt it but in the process hopefully I hope to entertain myself with the things that go on in my head that most people dare not say for the fear of being judged. Well news flash, I'm not afraid of that. I've spent the majority of my life being judged by others so if someone wishes to engage in a war of words with me than so be it, lets dance. 

No topic is ever off limits in my eyes, whether it be politics, religion, race, gender, sexuality, these are the topics of the American spirit that we so enjoying hiding behind the first ammendment in order to discuss these openly and honestly.  So lets see.. if something bothers me I say it.. if people do anything stupid that garnishes judgment and ridicule, than so be it I'll throw in my two cents just as others have done long before and will continue to do long after me... on that note with nothing else to say this evening, I bid you goodnight, farewell.. until tomorrow, or something interesting occurs worth writting about...

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